Application Managed Services: Maximize The Value of Your Applications
The COVID-19 is not only affecting the health and well-being of people across the world, it is also having a growing impact on our economy and therefore prompting business leaders to do what they can to minimize the impact on their own company and maximize the resources and applications that they have. If your company hasn’t taken the time to explore utilizing a Managed Service Provider (MSP), now may be a good time.
Utilizing an MSP can reduce your spend and business risk, while improving the productivity and governance of your environment, ideally making your job easier. And, all of this for a predictable cost. Why not take the time to better understand how an MSP can help you?
When it comes to supporting applications, it’s critical that companies have the appropriate level of support resources to ensure their business continues to run and risk is minimized. Working with an MSP allows you to tap into a variety of skilled resources who act as an extension of your team. With an MSP, you get a group of seasoned experts managing your application environment and providing day to day operations to your IT team and business user community.
At Apps Associates, we realize that not all customers require the same level of support. We can work with you to design a support model that works best for your organization. Whether that be dedicated resources or a pool of resources with a variety of skills, or perhaps a mix of both dedicated and pooled. We can also provide a level of support to augment your existing internal support staff. Apps Associates can provide flexible support options that are cost-effective and can utilize a global staffing model to maximize your ROI. One may ask, “What model works best?”. This is not a one answer fits all scenario, let us help you structure the best model for your organization. Especially in these times where your IT employees are being hit with more remote work and potentially a larger impact on your network.
Keep in mind that MSPs can provide more than support for break-fix type issues, they can also provide services which help you get the full value out of your Oracle application. Application Managed Services can include Enhancements, Release Management and Advisory services. A collective set of services that allows you to maximize the use of your applications, improving business performance through stability and streamlined processes, as well as strategic insight.
Here’s a high level look at each service component.

With Apps Associates, you get the breadth of knowledge and expertise that comes from supporting multiple customer environments across multiple verticals. If an issue arises, there is a good chance that our associates have seen and resolved it before. As an extension of your team, we can help you stay focused on strategic, high-value activities, while providing ongoing support, enhancements, release management and advisory services.
Utilizing an MSP can certainly be of benefit to your organization on an ongoing basis, and especially at a time when there is uncertainty. An MSP provides valuable resources with a known cost who are experienced in working remotely. Let an MSP make your job easier, reach out to see how they can help your organization.
And if you are using Oracle Applications, check our Advanced Guide for Oracle Application Management.