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A Fresh Scene at Collaborate19

May 3, 2019
This year, OAUG Collaborate ’19 was held April 7th – 11th in a new venue of San Antonio, TX.  If you’re unfamiliar with the event, the last 5 years Collaborate was held in Las Vegas. I think it was a great idea by the OAUG committee to change the location to San Antonio because Vegas, despite...

Safely Moving Your Legacy Oracle Workloads to the Cloud – Yes, You Can!

April 2, 2019
Recently, we conducted an independent survey of 300+ Oracle application customers to uncover what’s holding IT decision makers (ITDMs) back from moving their Oracle applications to the cloud. The resulting study uncovered myths around cloud migration that many ITDMs still believe to be true, with good reasoning, although many of these have since been debunked.

Why the Private Cloud Is Like Having Your Own Personal Yacht

February 19, 2019
  What organizations would put servers in a Private Cloud? There are many companies who have chosen or are considering putting their environments in the Private Cloud. The move to giants like Amazon Web Services (AWS) is inevitable for all companies as the value of utility cloud computing is proven. While the breadth of services that...

Can You (Should You) Run Your Legacy Oracle Applications on AWS Cloud?

February 12, 2019
Actually, You Can! Last month, I shared my 2019 predictions citing an analyst research survey in which respondents indicated that they were planning to rapidly accelerate the move of their legacy Oracle enterprise applications out of their in-house / internal data centers.  By 2020, there will be dramatic 19% decline in using internal, on-premise infrastructure...

Why We are Ready to Elevate in 2019!

February 7, 2019
Elevate in 2019 I am fresh from our recent sales kick-off meeting in Boston where we had our talented sales, delivery, and marketing teams together with leadership to ensure that we continue to provide the best value to our customers on their journey to the cloud. Our theme was Elevate and we did just that,...

Secure Your Oracle Applications on AWS: an MSP Perspective

January 25, 2019
As more businesses migrate their legacy Oracle Applications to Amazon Web Services (AWS), an in-depth knowledge of the AWS shared responsibility model for security and compliance has become of paramount importance for the Managed Services Provider (MSP), as it is the MSP’s responsibility to address security at the operating system, network, platform and applications level....

Deploying Community changes using Change Sets

January 23, 2019
As a community manager, you need to be able to create and test changes to your community in a non-production environment. Salesforce offers a couple of different options and types of sandboxes (see Sandbox Types and Templates) that allow you to copy your production to a test environment (sandbox) for development and testing. You should not...

How to Choose the Right Cloud Provider

December 17, 2018
Gartner published its Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as Service, Worldwide earlier this year. What stood out for me in this recent MQ was one of the cautions provided for Amazon Web Services, which ranked the highest (amongst the other vendors evaluated) for completeness of vision and the ability to execute. I have quoted the...