Secure Your Oracle Applications on AWS: an MSP Perspective

As more businesses migrate their legacy Oracle Applications to Amazon Web Services (AWS), an in-depth knowledge of the AWS shared responsibility model for security and compliance has become of paramount importance for the Managed Services Provider (MSP), as it is the MSP’s responsibility to address security at the operating system, network, platform and applications level….

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Deploying Community changes using Change Sets

As a community manager, you need to be able to create and test changes to your community in a non-production environment. Salesforce offers a couple of different options and types of sandboxes (see Sandbox Types and Templates) that allow you to copy your production to a test environment (sandbox) for development and testing. You should not…

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4 ‘Must Ask’ Questions for a Modern BI and Analytics Strategy

As you are probably aware, the world of data, business intelligence (BI) and analytics has been changing rapidly over the past several years and that trend is expected to continue.  It is therefore necessary to look differently and ask some new and different questions when defining a BI and analytics strategy and architecture. In this article,…

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